Of Dominatrix & Redux!
www.m-w.com says:
Main Entry: do·mi·na·trix
Pronunciation: "dä-mi-'nA-triks
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural do·mi·na·trices /-'nA-tr&-sEz, -n&-'trI-sEz/Etymology: Latin, feminine of dominator: a woman who physically and psychologically dominates and abuses her partner in sadomasochistic sex; broadly : a dominating woman
I don't know if I like this definition. Dominatrix aka a broad, hateful, vicious, Amazon with a heart of diamonds.
Main Entry: re·dux
Pronunciation: (")rE-'d&ks, 'rE-"
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin, returning, from reducere to lead back: brought back -- used postpositively.
Incidentally www.dictionary.com also gives the same definition with one more addition, 'returned'.
So how does one use this new-age word that finds itself into everyday but esoteric vocabulary?
Post positively!
The rise of the dominatrix redux?
Main Entry: do·mi·na·trix
Pronunciation: "dä-mi-'nA-triks
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural do·mi·na·trices /-'nA-tr&-sEz, -n&-'trI-sEz/Etymology: Latin, feminine of dominator: a woman who physically and psychologically dominates and abuses her partner in sadomasochistic sex; broadly : a dominating woman
I don't know if I like this definition. Dominatrix aka a broad, hateful, vicious, Amazon with a heart of diamonds.
Main Entry: re·dux
Pronunciation: (")rE-'d&ks, 'rE-"
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin, returning, from reducere to lead back: brought back -- used postpositively.
Incidentally www.dictionary.com also gives the same definition with one more addition, 'returned'.
So how does one use this new-age word that finds itself into everyday but esoteric vocabulary?
Post positively!
The rise of the dominatrix redux?
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