Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Is it really pre-ordained?

Capricorn nee Aquarius - This month's going to be a whopper of a success. Career? Man o man, you ask and it shall be yours. Romance aah romance! For those attached, single, dating, seeking, this month is simply reeking of romance. Your lucky dates of course are anywhere between 1 and 31 and colours are as varied as the CMYK palette. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and have a blast! It's pre-ordained that you're one lucky babe! (Sigh!)

Well, whatever it is that the stars have decided to have in store for me, not one astrologer, not one astrology site, nor column mentioned that I'd do nothing but be a couch potato today.

S-t-r-e-t-c-h!!! I've done nothing but stretch out on the rocking chair or the sofa watching TV from morn till nightfall. It's been fun. With absolutely no deadline ticking in the back of my mind, the sheer thrill of not having to do anything, anything at all is a wonderful feeling. Elevating.

I'm content today. Because I started my 'Diet Diaries' as I'd promised myself and I have a reader of my blogs who says she has been following my blogs for a while now. Not bad R, not bad at all. You have a reader besides Irf who is anyways into his own grief stricken, confused and complicated world to spend too much time reading what I write (which is depressing and so obfuscating sometimes that even I can't make head nor tail of it) nowadays. So hey, yipppppeeeee! It's time for celebration. Put your hands in the air and give me a high-five. I'm saved from a complete breakdown. Yes!!!!

And I learnt some lovely new words today.

For instance my blogs can be very ponderous and leviathan but thankfully they're not a hagiography read by those smelling of Gitanes and I'm glad to find out that I'm not an apostate.
There! I did it. A whole bloody sentence with the words that I discovered today.

And hey, everytime I think my posts should be more lyrical or more impressive with choice of vocabulary, but but but, you know what guys and girls! When Dan Brown of the famous/infamous Da Vinci trail wrote his essay in school where he described in poetic detail about every fissure, every blade of grass and mountain top of whichever place he'd visited, his English teacher returned the paper with red circles on most of the words, gave him a C- with a remark, "Simpler is better!"

Yo yo yo! I know I can still make it as a writer. There's hope, always hope!

But yes, I need to introduce some humour, some wit, some pungency, some urgency. On the other hand, sweetie, the stars have ordained a great life for you henceforth. Everything you do, say, or otherwise, will have only a positive effect.

S-t-r-e-t-c-h!!!! That's what the stars are doing ma maan! They're making a short story long and garnishing all that is not real with a little bit of that magic that you need to desperately believe that the world's one HUGE Allianz arena and I'm the drama queen and everyone's soon going to stand up and give such an applause that it can be heard across the Black Forest and beyond. Oh yes! But life's a stretch ain't it? Just stretch your imagination, your limits of patience, your fortitude, your possibilities, your forbearance and lo and behold, you're home a winner!

Go baby go! It's in the stars today. (Even a handful of stardust won't be bad eh? At least it'd prove I'd s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d!!! LOL!)


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