Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Sunday, December 11, 2005…mmm…mmmm!

Books. More books. And yet some more. At heavily discounted prices. Mmmmmmmmm!!

(Encountering the book-shop owner and primary sponsor of the exhibition and remarking, ‘Vidya, give me two years and I’m going to approach you…’ (interrupted by Vidya) ‘you’re going to write a book!’ ‘That too (with a smile in the voice), but am going to ask you for a job. I love to be among books. May not read all of them, but the sheer pleasure of being ensconced in the cocoon of words.’ Unleashing my soul to books that bewitch, beckon and bewilder by their sheer breadth, width and depth of topics. So much to read, so little time. I bought copious amounts of printed papyrus and felt the familiar feeling of intense almost nirvana-like satisfaction. Robert Frost, Toni Morrison, Shashi Tharoor, Evelyn Waugh, Henry James, Kurt Vonnegut, Hari Kunzru, Jeanette Winterson and some more now nestle safely, comfortably, jostling for space in my book-cupboard and above my trunk against the wall, waiting patiently for me to discover the worlds they hold within. ‘Unlock’ scream the creases of the written word. Gasp and then soak in the fragrance of ideas, imagination and be intrigued by a whole new world of words. Always words. A book about the importance of words is also among one of my purchases incidentally. )

Dinner with girl friends. Lots of talk. Sharing. Mm!

(It’s amazing how every time you bid adieu to a work place, colleagues become friends. Men and women with whom you’ve shared work spaces, frustrations, and some part of your life become your buddies. It’s so easy to disseminate the ‘friends’ from the acquaintances and colleagues. It’s so easy to distinguish those who like you for who you are from those who were mere pretenders. It’s so easy to separate the chaff from the grain. It’s such a relief to ‘see’. All that hurt and pain and agony and agonizing over people who never cared seems such a desecration of valuable time. Nothing’s a waste though. I’ve learnt and that’s all that matters.)

Coffee with chocolate sauce, paani puris (aka puchkas, gol gappas in other parts of the country), ras malai with boy friends. Lots of talk. Laughter. Exchange of thoughts. Mmm!

(I have the gift of the gab methinks! So much so that no one else need ever bother about wondering what to say ever! I can fill in the blanks for everyone around and be a crashing bore! Geez! how much I talk? Is it some innate hidden desire to be heard? Or to be understood? God knows! The listeners am sure, want to stuff my mouth with the wicked brownie with chocolate sauce drizzled over topped with nuts winking sexily, to just choke me into silence! Ha ha. Maybe I need to pepper my inane and banal talk with some Robin Sharmaesque ‘inspirational’, ‘moving’, ‘dazzling’, isms about life and all the truths we so desperately seek. Morons that we are, little do we realize that there is only one ‘ultimate truth’. I love this quote from the book I now proudly own called ‘Ideas’ courtesy above mentioned book fair – ‘There are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil’ – Alfred North Whitehead. I concur!)

Proof-reading. Fire-fighting. Arguing. Convincing. Reacting. Checking. Agreeing. Hrmmmmmmmph!!!

(Leading or heading a bunch of egos, sensitivities, and attitudes and infusing in them a passion and commitment for what they do is tough. I have to remind myself that leadership doesn’t come easy. I will never know if I’m a good one, brilliant one or a no-good wimp till I quit or die. Both are a given at this point in time…:). It’s just a matter of time. Till such time, what can one do…but steer ahead of, steer clear and steer clean the same egos, sensitivities and attitudes and keep fingers and toes crossed? Hail the Leader! Responsibility can be a milestone or a millstone. I’m gunning for the former. Wish me luck.)

Watching ‘Timeline’ the movie (based on a wonderfully exciting book by Michael Crichton). Checking credit card bills. Ideating. Writing. Mmm? Hmmm!

(Read the book. Get transported.)

Driving. Replaying a particular song. Humming. The lyrics are enchanting. Left wondering, ‘why is it that this group’s happy songs sound sad? Is it because H & S (happiness and sadness) are two sides of the same coin?’ Mmm…ok!

(Coldplay’s ‘X & Y’ presented by Bunty rides with me to work and back. Chris’s sonorous, slightly nasal voice reaches out to me assuring me that he will ‘fix you’. Well, all the best Chris, happy fixing!)

2.00 am on a Saturday. Mmmm???!!!! …:) mmmm! Hrmph? Tch tch!



  • At 1:18 PM , Blogger Irfan said...

    :o) As always, it brought smile, so i too bring them to you. Ah thank you for technology...would video blogs be interesting too?


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