2 weekends of drama!
Last Saturday it was 'Witness for the Prosecution' at Chowdiah.
This Friday (today) was 'Measure for Measure' at Ranga Shankara.
The former was slightly dreary, the acting and actors not measuring up and it was not dramatic enough.
The latter? I'm still reeling from the effects of it. What I understood I liked. I loved the play of light. I loved the exits and the entries. Very seamless, very effortless. Blended in so well with the play. I couldn't handle some enactments - seeing a woman performing fellatio or yet another baring a woman's (brassiere supported) breasts, or directing a woman's hand to the penis, or yet another of a man crapping into a bucket with his buttocks in view and his balls too, when zipping up. I'm not sure if I could handle too much of this 'live' so to say. The language being Shakespearean was a tad tedious and one had to strain to understand and hence elicit the right reaction at the right time. (I'm not a prude, but er...mmm...aaaa).
Bottomline? Acting was very very good (minus the sometimes jerky movements of some of the actors). Lighting was fantastic and the effects created with minimum props were superlative. The tears were for real. The timing almost perfect. The cast uniformly good. But... er...too dramatic pour moi. No thank you. I'll settle for 'I'm not Bajirao' or 'Gandhi vs Gandhi' anyday.
Some words that linger...........
'Who is the sinner, the temptor or the tempted?'
'For in darkness I must dwell, like the colour of my skin... my life is made of patterns that can scarcely be controlled'
For anyone interested in learning how to write songs and set them to painfully beautiful (why is pain beauteous? oh never mind!) melody, Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel should be a must-hear. Amazing songwriters. Heartrendingly beautiful music. I love them.
The pattern of this weekend and the month ahead seems to be set. I might be dwelling in tension and some satisfaction.
Let's see how goes it. Guess life is really theatre and I'm merely an extra hoping to have my 30 secs. of fame and glory.
This Friday (today) was 'Measure for Measure' at Ranga Shankara.
The former was slightly dreary, the acting and actors not measuring up and it was not dramatic enough.
The latter? I'm still reeling from the effects of it. What I understood I liked. I loved the play of light. I loved the exits and the entries. Very seamless, very effortless. Blended in so well with the play. I couldn't handle some enactments - seeing a woman performing fellatio or yet another baring a woman's (brassiere supported) breasts, or directing a woman's hand to the penis, or yet another of a man crapping into a bucket with his buttocks in view and his balls too, when zipping up. I'm not sure if I could handle too much of this 'live' so to say. The language being Shakespearean was a tad tedious and one had to strain to understand and hence elicit the right reaction at the right time. (I'm not a prude, but er...mmm...aaaa).
Bottomline? Acting was very very good (minus the sometimes jerky movements of some of the actors). Lighting was fantastic and the effects created with minimum props were superlative. The tears were for real. The timing almost perfect. The cast uniformly good. But... er...too dramatic pour moi. No thank you. I'll settle for 'I'm not Bajirao' or 'Gandhi vs Gandhi' anyday.
Some words that linger...........
'Who is the sinner, the temptor or the tempted?'
'For in darkness I must dwell, like the colour of my skin... my life is made of patterns that can scarcely be controlled'
For anyone interested in learning how to write songs and set them to painfully beautiful (why is pain beauteous? oh never mind!) melody, Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel should be a must-hear. Amazing songwriters. Heartrendingly beautiful music. I love them.
The pattern of this weekend and the month ahead seems to be set. I might be dwelling in tension and some satisfaction.
Let's see how goes it. Guess life is really theatre and I'm merely an extra hoping to have my 30 secs. of fame and glory.
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