Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Ho hum ummm...

2.26 am. Sunday morning.

Do I really need to blog? Umm....

Saw 3 movies in a row...2 very interesting movies out of the 3...Triple Bill...hmm...!
"Singing Detective" - must watch it over again. Robert Downey Jr. was good. But the movie itself was ummm....stylish, quirky, paradoxical (??), musical...ha ha. Now I know why I want to see the movie again.

"Bruce Almighty" - seen it before. Liked it. The question that popped in my head - What would I do if I was God for one day? - Answer? Ummm.....

"Freaky Friday" - just another silly movie - what's so amazing about Lindsay Lohan? And people want her to eat as she's too thin. Fans have web sites with names like or some such bunkum. People people people...have you guys heard of Africa? No siree...just Live 8. Great gigs, nice music....Africa? What? Name of the latest Ms.America?

Salsa was good. Yesterday, swimming was even better.
Pitter patter, shimmering skies, sequined pool, eager eyes, wet bodies.
Manna from heaven or tears from heaven - depends on the state of mind. I'd plump for tears. Does it say something for my state of mind?
Yes, swimming was definitely better.

Rakum is a blind school that I need to check. An orphanage at M'swaram is another. Ma and aunts are donating a meal for all the children there. Dee's recommended blind school is another. Soul curry on the simmer.

20th July - the day my grandma died. I'd call her bada mummy - why do we, as kids call our folks such weird names? Well it isn't weird weird, but well... I miss her. I always wonder if she's watching over me? Bada...if you are... I hope you think I turned out ok. Tell me... will life in general turn out ok? What is ok? I'm still working on the definition.

  • "Tell me why" - song by Annie Lennox - captures most of what I feel. Dee? This one's for you...
  • "The feeling of being powerless when in love" - quote from the promo of the movie Alex & Emma...there's more but for the life of me can't remember...dammit!
  • "Gravity has nothing to do with falling in love" - Einstein...:)
  • Why do I have so many dots in my blogs...:)... maybe I liked playing 'join the dots' as a toddler.
  • Cannot understand Google's search logic - my blog comes up last. At times it doesn't. My other blog doesn't feature under any of the key words. Wassup dude? (yeah, right, like I'm this swaggering, night crawler, Indian Yankee celebrating the 4th of July, but massaging an American ego with a trained twang on the 15th of August).
  • Miss Anusha. Miss Irfan.Miss Sarita. Miss Vibhuti.Miss Reena. Miss Ashu and his wacky sense of humour and his 'aunty? chai' at any time of the day or night. Miss Shalu. Miss Sunil Ghosh. Must write to him and re-establish contact. He still brings a smile to my face. Our conversations were, hilarious, to put it mildly. We'd have made superlative P3 prowlers. We rocked and how! Miss Cyrus. And his Mahindra Commander nick named 'chammo'. I should do a road-trip again. Kerala re-visited. Miss Asif. My God. I want to rewind. Waaaaaaaaaa! Whirrrrrrrrrr! Reeeeeeeewiiiiiiiiiiiind!
  • Angels & Demons by Dan Brown - why is it such a best seller?
  • Nihilism. Anihilism. Demonism. Hedonism. 'Isms' for some reason have caught my fancy. What are they?

3.05 am. Still Sunday morning. Think I'll finish Angels & Demons.

Fast forward. 7.00 pm Sunday. Hair cut.


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