Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

When life throws you a lemon...

...make lemonade. Sound advice?
What if one drops the catch?

Sunil - He calls - miss his call (just caught him on chat) - Crush the lemon with the heel. Phew!
Arun - Try and learn to catch the next one.
Amith - Awaited

Do I always talk in cryptic crossword clues? Someone once asked me.

While driving home from work, or sometimes to work, the mind is racing at the speed of light and sound (is thought faster than light and sound?) and throws up funny questions. I like to pose this to friends.

Checked out Economist's Style Guide - loved it. Are they cool or are they cool? Lots to learn.

Edgar Allan Poe, Earl Stanely Gardner, Paul Davies, Roald Dahl, Isaac Asimov, Douglas Adams and and and and and....Googled it...Arthur C Clarke! All this and more munched over masala puri and tea at the IIM tea stall. Pawan's cool - very lovely kid. Must remember to tell him - it's Arthur C Clarke man...(have already told him he's a swell chap).

Whammm! Thudddd! Head snaps back. Blond hair flying over a battered nose and face. Bloody. All in a split second.
Bleached, blurred frame. Fast cut to the regular tones. Camera pans on a bearded, far away, slightly remorseful face - 'How I loved her', he intones.
The above scene makes you wonder about relationships - why women take the battering, why men batter. Yet, nauseatingly they stay bonded by threads of abuse, use, and love(??). So disconcerting and disturbing. So real.

Scene from CSI on AXN. I love the serial for the way it is handled. Slick. Contemporary. Very scientific.

Wikipedia is nice isn't it?

Someone told me that 'Google' is going to crash. Its market cap is more than Boeing apparently. Whoa! Imagine a search engine company whose market value is > a company that makes planes. Logical? Logic's sometimes illogical. Always knew America was a loony nation. This proves it.

Googling for speed of thought threw up this interesting article on brain implants. Science is truly remarkable. It makes life even more complicated by trying to simplify things, sometimes.

However what I would mourn is the death of the postman. At the hands of science and technology. Our kids (I of course won't have any, considering the way my biological clock is ticking away furiously), won't know the pleasure of receiving mail. No one would know how to write letters! Sigh!

Have to catch CSI - NY.


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