For quite some time now I've been grappling with this title, also the title of a song sung by the inimitable Louis Armstrong. If you ask me why this was so, I wouldn't be able to give a very coherent or logical answer. But then nothing about me seems coherent or logical. Emotional? Oh yes!
I guess the answer really lies in the baggage that one has carried over the years. About the physiognomy of 'beauty' and the definitions that have been bandied about and the perceptions formed thus.
So when you grow up and people say 'dark is beautiful' you look aghast and ask in a sarcasm tinged voice, 'Oh really now!' When people say fat is not ugly because it's about the personality, you do a silent moue. Reed thin I believe is out and slim and curvy is in. Skinny jeans on skinny legs is in though. And if you're flat-chested it's great for the ramp honey, but when it comes to the men, sorry girl, but you've got to have knockers. And if you're short, wear glasses or don't have great hair or legs or skin, then the woman might just say as well bid adieu to any kind of future with a man. Her perception of men and her place in the world would be forever 'coloured'. In fact surveys have revealed that beautiful people earn more and are perceived to be good people and have it easier than the rest of the world that is not so bountifully endowed.
And then sometimes, just sometimes you actually feel cocooned by the thought that hey, people like you for who you are and not the way you look. People includes the men of course. And then just when you're snuggling in the comfort of the quilted cocoon, there comes the downer. Men like it 'hot'. Whatever their definition of that may be. If you're like the boys, then you're doomed. It's ok to trample over your feelings, it's ok to treat you like....yes, one of the boys, it's ok to think that you don't need the attention, it's ok to take umbrage if you take umbrage at anything that you may find offensive, it's ok to treat other women with more sensitivity, and's ok.
And somewhere in the melee of the echoing ok, you begin to wonder if there's something the matter with yourself. Is it self-esteem? Is it self-belief? Is it not loving oneself? Questions that are difficult to answer. Questions where the answers have to be adapted to the mood, the person, the age, the era and the context. For kid yourself not, people are unkind and ruthless and crave for beauty. They could kill for beauty or go under the knife so to speak.
But I think it's also a personal point of view. And of course it's also a lot of personal angst. So naturally this post would seem biased, illogical, all-over-the-place and what-not. So be it. It's my page, my sphere, my space and my thoughts.
I'm not sure how to end this post. I can't think of anything clever. Can you?