Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ajeebo Gareeb!

You say you're disillusioned and there are a whole bunch of strangers egging you on and being supportive.

You say you need a hug - no one bothers - some just smile (and perhaps shrug).

You make no demands on anyone and it's all hay and sunshine.

You say you want space and time to think and it's feet of clay.

You say 'hi', I say 'low', You say 'why' and I say 'I don't know'.

Does it always have to be a tug-of-war where Mars & Venus always end up wondering, questioning, seeking, hurting?

I know the answer to that one!


  • At 11:45 PM , Blogger ± said...

    if it hurts, it's not worth it.
    whatever it is...

    take time, space, take whatever it takes.
    whatever it takes to keep you happy.

    and yes, to make up for a previous lacunae ...

    (lots of them)

  • At 8:43 PM , Blogger velvetgunther said...

    I didnt get it :(


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