Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Sunday, May 29, 2005

It goes on...

That's Robert Frost's take on life - a quote that I received early in the morn from someone I know.

Okay, I've been thinking (which is very very very rare, it's a Haley's Comet phenomenon)...
my blogs are crap, I write crap, in fact so much bunkum and bullshit that I feel like deleting the whole bushel load and save myself the ignominy of being labelled a 'crappy writer'.

Anyway, this blog here is going to be all about Random Thoughts that have been popping in my head for a while now. And then bid adieu to this blog indefinitely.

Presenting my swansong:
Random Thoughts all of which are meant to be taken with a pinch of salt, snorted at and forgotten the moment it is ingested (if at all, or it might cause indigestion).

Random Thought 1 - Why are we women so fickle when it comes to appearance? So paranoid about what looks good, about the almost obsessive emphasis on the physiognomy that it can actually cause ulcers? Ugh! Look at me! I wanted a hair cut desperately. Took an appointment with a supposedly svelte salon and came out with shampooed, blow dried hair. No hair cut. Because, as the very sweet hair stylist opined like the Wise Oracle, 'No pain, no gain' - result? Will continue to look shaggy, unkempt, disheveled to get a 'new' look. Sigh!

Random Thought 2 - While I was having a shower today I had millions of thoughts that could make good reading (or so I thought, erroneous it might be) and wished then that I could pull down a screen (like Cruise does in Minority Report) which would quickly just x-ray my thoughts out and I would edit it later on. Sigh sigh!

Random Thought 3 - I don't like to see the cadavers of dogs on roads - because it reminds me of their helplessness and man's insensitivity to life other than of his own ilk (even that is debatable in a country like India) - and my own inability to do anything about it except feel disturbed every single time I see one. Maybe it's Sharon, my ex-boss's influence, maybe it's just me.

Random Thought 4 - Much as I adore someone, one day (if we remain friends and if this someone will remember me months later when I'm out of his life), one day I will not only make him do squats holding the Encylopedia Britannica , but probably tie him to a chair and stuff the pages of all the magazines he reads down his throat. Why? Because I want to. Ironically I adore him for the very same reasons I want to also bonk (is that a correct term? basically plonk, thump, dump, hit or what have you) him on the head with the Random House Dictionary that I have and which easily weighs 8 kgs - considering I can't make him see stars any other way, this sure'd be a good way. LOL! I like the picture I have painted. Am I a sadist? Hmmm.....

Random Thought 5 - I loved Steffi Graf's legs - the best ever. None of the girls today on the tennis circuit can match the legs, the grace, the forehand, the sheer consistency. Steffi, I salute you. You're the coolest!

Random Thought 6 - While on tennis, why do women wear short skirts where one can see their underwear which incidentally is nothing but tights? Why not just wear shorts? And can't someone invent a fabric which won't show off women's nipples when they sweat or even when they don't? But then I guess TRP for women's tennis would drastically fall...aah! the mores of commercial sports.

Random Thought 7 - While driving and listening to Maria by Santana the other day, made me want to make love. I like Latino beats and I think seducing a man to something Latino would be so sexy. But hey, I think I'm turning lesbian... my record with men is abysmal...! Sigh sigh sigh!

Random Thought 8 - I'm suffering from Information Anxiety. There's too much to read, learn, listen, see and understand. And too little time. I don't think I want to get caught into this vortex where a nervous breakdown seems imminent only because I don't know. I think I now understand what it means when they say, 'ignorance is bliss'.

Random Thought 9 - Why do we humans ask, discuss, disseminate, analyze so much? After all this discussion and 'knowledge is power' bullshit, what have we achieved except an inexorable, exacerbatingly certain dance to doom? Our own! Sir Creek, Darfur, Syria, Iran, Israel, OPEC, EU and what have you! Ground reality? What has all this got to do with my or anybody else's survival? And a decent survival at that? I'm as much a hypocrite as the rest of the world at which I'm so happily and irreverently pointing fingers at - I'm contemplating buying a new car sometime in the near future - why can't I think of buying the Reva? Nope! Not me. And we're thinking of water as alternative fuel. Wake up my brothers in arms! (and it's a call to self to not be so puerile but be someone of substance). The next century is going to see 'water wars' and so you guys at NASA or wherever, better start dredging out Mars... (can you imagine space water trucks plying water to and fro from the Red Planet to Planet E?).

Random Thought 10 - Back to tennis. Where are the great personalities in men's tennis? Where are the Boris Beckers, Pete Sampras', Andre Agassis' of this racquet and ball game? Federer you are bloody good, you are awesome, you look cool too, but hey, you are not them. Maybe it was the age, an era, maybe it was rivalries. Today everything is so fluid, so transient. But Federer will still do what Sampras didn' the French Open. And hey, why are the men dressed in loose, flowing, bermudas, unflattering tees and well... poor men! What else can they wear and play? Tutus?...hmmm... that's food for thought! TRPs will certainly go up a notch! Should I suggest it to Nike?

Random Thought 11 - Friends - lost touch with Ash for the past 6 months - but took off from where we left off - smile, smile. Though he's an irrevocable and painful thread of my past, he's still a good friend and I cannot attribute the 'unhappy end' to him.
Sunil called me unflattering names - undeservedly and uncalled for - but am limping back to an even keel - I don't think I can completely obliterate the bile that rose up on being labelled thus - but one's supposed to be mature and wiser. I will try and forget and forgive! Move on...sorry, Robert Frost doth say, 'it goes on'.

Random Thought 12 - It's all in the timing , bad timing at that! It's painful, sometimes a little unnerving when you're in your nothings at home (short shorts and spaghettis, bra-less), and ma's popped out a bit to the neighbourhood grocer, or for a gosspip session or just in the loo, when the door bell rings, ting tong! A smiling, neighbor, the cable man, the plumber, kids, courier, oh God! And door bells that will be insistent. Invasive. Intrusive. Which are screaming, 'open up or we'll tear the door down' - after all it's a matter of consequence. And then you gingerly open a crack and hope to ward off the pesky pests - but no! When in delectable attire, indelectable situations are the order of the day. Phew! Drat! Leaping frogs and dancing pigs!

Random Thought 13 - I like guys with great legs and a great butt - Ronaldo of Brazil (for the legs), Boris Becker (for the legs), Pete Sampras (for the legs), and even Shahrukh Khan (for both). And any guy who can carry off a pair of regular Levi's and a white shirt rolled up at the sleeve and look classy - well, besides the Brad Pitts, Mel Gibsons, George Clooneys of the world - are there real men like that? Yes? Where? Am I blind?

Random Thought 14 - I want a make over. I want to be coveted. It'd be a great ego booster. I wish someone would nominate me for the 'What to wear' show on Discovery Travel and Living show! Sigh sigh sigh sigh!

Random Thought 15 - I lied when I said (in one of my earlier blogs) that I couldn't count beyond 10.

Random Thought 16 - I like Toblerones and Bounty. No one ever gets me Bounty chocolates. I can buy them, but that's not fun. Chocolates, and flowers should be gifted. Lindt? Naah!

Random Thought 17 - I'm going to attempt a book - a book of inconsequentials. Shams and I. How 2 women half way across the globe from each other are going to attempt it can be the subject of another book, 'How we wrote the book'....sounds fun. It should sell. Anything sells nowadays!

Random Thought 18 - I've had it with moping. From ABCD I'm going to now move on to E or maybe to! Of course I'll give in to depressions every second day, but can't sit and weep all day. I mean I heard this woman on some promo on some mindless TV channel saying, 'I saw him, I liked him, I went for him' - pray tell me how do you 'go' for a person? Are there any female 'Hitch'es around?

Random Thought 19 - Why do actors (young, full of attitude) call their female counterparts 'actors'? Is it 'in', hip, politically correct, or what? Actors, actresses. Authors, authoresses. Men, women. Male, female. Yin, yang. Simple!

Random Thought 20 - These are a few of my favorite things (or the things I'd have liked to do) - not in any order of priority, just a (you guessed it) random order.
Gymnast, Ballet dancer, Diver, Figure skater, rally driver, singer, actress, 'most erudite person', and above all a much loved person. I'd like my epitaph to read, 'She truly lived.' (I might change my mind on my epitaph, but for now it stands).

Random Thought 21 - If Ford Perfect came to me and said, 'The Universe is going to end soon, so get my bourbon on the double', I'd say, 'hop on and let's go hitch hiking around the galaxy' and see how 'life goes on'....

On that random thought, I shall end this here. I'm going to be outta here for a while now. I really do write crappy stuff and write crappily (what a choice of word, but it reflects my state of mind).

There will be many more random thoughts where this came from, but the world will be spared this verbal diarrhoea. Adios amigos! (just being polite to the non-existent and invisible reader).


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