Live on the edge - or you take up too much space

Is there any other way to be, except edgy?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

1. -- 10.

2. -- 9.

3. -- 8.

4. -- 7.

5. -- 6.

6. -- 5.

7. -- 4.
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Self is feeling restless. Brilliant weather outside.
Perfect to make love, cuddle up in the aftermath, read, listen and try and have a go at an orgasm again.

Aamir Khan with long locks and the moustache is the man I'd like to go to bed with NOW! He looks raw, rugged and someone who could eat you alive with those smouldering eyes. Now there is a man. A real man. A man one could love or hate, never ignore.

A certain boy is definitely not suitable. He needs to be buried (and forgotten). For good.

Well, the numbers go up or down, depending on how I look at it.

For me, the countdown's begun. I'm hoping to be free. Inshallah!


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